News & Calendar

Cheerful giving begins with a change of heart when we realize that God created and owns it all. Instead of giving a portion of our possessions and earnings back to God, we offer the first and best of what He has entrusted to us in appreciation of His generosity. Each one of us is a manager of a piece of God’s great wealth. God doesn’t need our gifts for Himself, He wants us to invest in His most valuable treasure – the people around us! After all, God led by example with His greatest gift ever, the gift of restoration and redemption through His Son, Christ Jesus. Investing in His kingdom means using His resources to reach people everywhere with the good news of this free gift of grace. You can give with confidence knowing that this drives every decision we make. If you have any questions about giving please go see the giving page.

Women’s Online bible study

Experiencing God Details – The New Women’s Online Bible study will be Henry Blackaby’s “Experiencing God”. The study will begin Sept. 12 @ 7PM. Details are Online Bible Study or Women’s Online Bible Study Facebook page.

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Aug. 14th – 18th – VBS

VBS: Aug. 14th – 18th from 6 – 8:15 PM, will be VBS week. Our theme is “Faith Mountain”. Join us as we walk through some of the stories of great faith in God from the Bible. Helpers needed. See Ellen!

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June 10th – Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast: Sat. June 10th the menfolk will gather at Marie’s Diner at 6:30ish to enjoy a time of great fellowship and delicious food. Come out and be a part of the brotherhood.

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June 4th – BBQ Sale – Youth fundraiser

BBQ Sale: June 4th from 1-3 PM. The last fundraiser before your Jesus Mafia leaves for their summer mission trip to Western Kentucky. You can’t beat smoked meat, potato salad, pasta salad, baked beans, assorted chips, desserts, and drinks all available for a donation....

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2023 Youth Fundraiser

Youth Fundraiser: On the back wall of the sanctuary, you’ll find lines of colorful cards hanging with numbers on them. Each card represents a dollar amount that, if you feel led, can be donated towards the Youth Summer Mission Trip to West Kentucky for disaster...

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Son Rise Service

Easter morning, we’ll celebrate the Resurrection at Son-Rise Service at 6 AM followed by a potluck breakfast.

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Good Friday Service

Good Friday evening @ 6:30 will be a solemn service as we contemplate what our Savior did for us on the cross.

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