Online Bible Study

A Bible study to fit your needs. Anyone on your own or Ladies Tuesday night Zoom
Is it 7PM on Tuesday? Click here

Is it 7pm on Tuesday?

The study is open to all ladies who want to join us. There is no geographic limitation. The books are available worldwide. Any lady with at least a phone can participate as much or as little as they choose. Be sure to sign up below with the email to get your reminders and links. For your convenience, we have an email that gives you the link to each via email. Just join our email list and you will get that email. You can quit anytime.  Just go to the bottom of this page.

Join us anytime at 7 pm on the dates below

Current study ends March 19th..

Get your book:

Next study up is Better my Jen Wilkens

Get your book:

As of 7-2-24

July 2nd – Session 10

July 16th – devotion

July 30th – devotion

Aug 13th – devotion

Aug 27th – devotion

September 3rd – Start new study – Back to every week

September 10th

September 17th

September 24th




Experiencing God

Experiencing God Bible Study Book includes revised printed content for 12 sessions.

Over the years, God has used the truths of Experiencing God to awaken believers to a radically God-centered way of life. As a result, millions have come to know God intimately, to recognize His voice, and to understand His will for their lives. This new edition is revised, updated, and ready to help you again—or for the very first time—experience your Creator.

God is inviting you into an intimate love relationship through which He reveals to you His will, His ways, and His work. When you recognize where God is working, you can join Him in what He is doing. Carefully listening to His voice will anchor you in His plan and set you free to live it with boldness and freedom. Then you will experience God doing through you what only He can do.

Through this Bible study you can…

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Join the Ladies Online Bible Study reminders.

This is the same sign up as the regular list for church updates. Simply select the Ladies bible study group for specific updates. You can also deselect the regular church update if you wish.